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Monday, March 19, 2007

For Cat Lovers......

I was waiting in the Singapore CIQ for the 170 bus back to Johor Bahru when this cat was spotted.

It was pregnant and was carrying a clear pink plastic bag with a white moulded box of food; just like what humans get when they pack food to go.

Even the cut chillies in a smaller plastic could be seen and I guess it was chicken rice.

The cat knew exactly where it was going and headed through some bars into the immigration offices probably trying to find a spot where it could open the packaging and find out what was for lunch.

No one was in pursuit and I guess the person gave up after the cat entered the security area.

Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me. Some fellow passengers were also amused by the cat's ingenuity at getting a free meal.

I hope the guy or gal who skipped lunch does not feel too unkindly towards that cat.

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