These past 2 years have been interesting years for Malaysia.
It seems that we are on the verge of change but thus far, little has changed and some believe we are regressing as a nation.
This blog is now 2 years old and will switch to a new URL here.
Just change the "2" for a "3".
Please update your bookmark but at the moment, the new site is empty except for a WELCOME message.
M a l a y s i a W a t c h
A concerned Malaysian writes about current affairs in Malaysia. If you like this site, please tell your relatives and friends. WE have the POWER TO CHANGE MALAYSIA. If you want to read earlier posts, please remove the "2" from this URL
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Making Smart Use of MYKAD for ASM Units
In a country that boasts IT savvy and smart managers, it is disappointing that ordinary folks have to endure long queues that end in frustration as the queueing was all in vain.
This is the second time that thousands of Malaysians were "treated" to a sold out situation for ASM shares.
While it is understandable to limit the offering to RM500m, the method of distribution leaves much to be desired.
I suggest the use of MYKAD to allocate such units on an allocation basis using the info readily available with PNB.
For a start, all those who have already more than 10,000 units should be ineligible for future offerings until everyone who does not own 10,000 units and wants to subscribe is given the opportunity.
Let's suppose we have 500,000,000 units and we want to allocate say 1000 units to each applicant. That means 500,000 citizens can benefit.
This is where the MYKAD can be used. The units can be distributed based on the states info plus perhaps the last digits ending with "0" and "1" for the first offering of the year, "2" and "3" for the second offering etc.
This means that all states will covered and 20% of the population comprising males and females equally will be able to subscribe.
PNB can advertise that those with the correct MYKAD numbers(and not already owning 10,000units) can apply for 1000 units within a one-week period by ATM transaction - no need to queue.
After the one-week period, if there is any surplus PNB can offer the same group of citizens (subject to 10,000units rule)the chance to subscribe for 2000 units within a two-week period.
One month after the initial subscription period, the balance is opened to all citizens (subject to 10,000units rule).
As the most important investment body in the country, one would expect that PNB should be able to devise a more equitable and efficient method to sell ASM units.
Unless those frustrated crowds at the banks make for a good photo shoot?
This is the second time that thousands of Malaysians were "treated" to a sold out situation for ASM shares.
While it is understandable to limit the offering to RM500m, the method of distribution leaves much to be desired.
I suggest the use of MYKAD to allocate such units on an allocation basis using the info readily available with PNB.
For a start, all those who have already more than 10,000 units should be ineligible for future offerings until everyone who does not own 10,000 units and wants to subscribe is given the opportunity.
Let's suppose we have 500,000,000 units and we want to allocate say 1000 units to each applicant. That means 500,000 citizens can benefit.
This is where the MYKAD can be used. The units can be distributed based on the states info plus perhaps the last digits ending with "0" and "1" for the first offering of the year, "2" and "3" for the second offering etc.
This means that all states will covered and 20% of the population comprising males and females equally will be able to subscribe.
PNB can advertise that those with the correct MYKAD numbers(and not already owning 10,000units) can apply for 1000 units within a one-week period by ATM transaction - no need to queue.
After the one-week period, if there is any surplus PNB can offer the same group of citizens (subject to 10,000units rule)the chance to subscribe for 2000 units within a two-week period.
One month after the initial subscription period, the balance is opened to all citizens (subject to 10,000units rule).
As the most important investment body in the country, one would expect that PNB should be able to devise a more equitable and efficient method to sell ASM units.
Unless those frustrated crowds at the banks make for a good photo shoot?
No Consistency in Policies
I find the inconsistency in government policies appalling.
Only yesterday, a minister remarked that the price war over the Harry Potter's latest edition was good as it enabled more Malaysians to buy books at a cheaper rate.
Maybe this Minister has gone "potty" after reading the latest best-seller and decided to end the price war of a different nature - this time among 5-star hotels.
Why not allow hotels to compete for their customers? It would be better to provide a price range for indication only with 5-star rating determined only by the facilities and service provided.
That way we will ensure that only the best hotels will survive and become leaner. Inefficient and poor quality hotels should be allowed to close down.
If hotel rates are lowered, it will ensure that more Malaysians will be encouraged to take holidays in Malaysia.
Only yesterday, a minister remarked that the price war over the Harry Potter's latest edition was good as it enabled more Malaysians to buy books at a cheaper rate.
Maybe this Minister has gone "potty" after reading the latest best-seller and decided to end the price war of a different nature - this time among 5-star hotels.
Why not allow hotels to compete for their customers? It would be better to provide a price range for indication only with 5-star rating determined only by the facilities and service provided.
That way we will ensure that only the best hotels will survive and become leaner. Inefficient and poor quality hotels should be allowed to close down.
If hotel rates are lowered, it will ensure that more Malaysians will be encouraged to take holidays in Malaysia.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Wedding Speech
Andrew’s parents , my wife Patricia,Cynthia & Andrew, grandparents, relatives and friends. GOOD EVENING!
Finally it has happened! Cynthia and Andrew have gotten married…..
Today is indeed a very special day as it signifies a major milestone for my second daughter Cynthia to her special one Andrew after seven years.
Such a happy occasion has been blessed by wonderful weather – we could not have made it wetter for the wonderful guests who have travelled from various places in Malaysia like Penang, Ipoh and KL. Penang is not the furthest place. People have come even from the UK and of course Karen came from Canada. Not forgetting the majority of guests who are from Singapore.
Sometime in the year 2000, C & A met at a tennis game and perhaps Andrew thought that Cynthia played like a Sharapova and decided to pursue her or was it the other way around?
But tennis was not their common interest. I was very surprised that Bible Studies was what brought them closer together and they had long discussions on religion.
Falling in love seems so easy. The story books used to have this plot. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. Those are fairy tales.
Cynthia and Andrew followed a different path.
After A levels, Cynthia went to NTU while Andrew did his National Service. Andrew then went off to the UK to study while Cynthia worked in Singapore for a few years before she too went to the UK to work.
Their love for each other grew in a colder climate until today we have come here to celebrate their wedding.
Let me share with you a little about Cynthia. She was the quiet one in the family but she could also be quite mischievous.
When she was about three years old, she kicked against the table whilst seated on a high chair and toppled backwards. She was stunned and we had to admit her to the hospital for observation.
Perhaps that jolt somehow stimulated her brain cells and enabled her to gain admission to the Gifted Education Program. But please don’t try this at home.
When she was about six years old, that was the time that fast food was the trend and I can still remember the family eating McDonalds and after 40 minutes, we were pleading with Cynthia to eat her food. Fortunately for McDs, there are only a few customers like C or they would have gone bankrupt!
When she was in early secondary school, I remember she came home one day and boldly declared, “I want to be a housewife!”
Obviously we had not coached her properly on a career choice.
Andrew strikes me as a quiet person though I understand both Cynthia and Andrew are quite capable of animated discussions.
But Andrew is a brave fellow. To win Cynthia’s heart, Andrew has had to venture into dangerous territory. He has followed Cynthia back to our home in JB and they even took the bus on a few occasions.
Cynthia is the second of my children to marry a Singaporean. Perhaps someone could recommend to the Singapore and Malaysian governments that such couples are the best people to negotiate projects for the two countries; crooked bridges or otherwise.
To the happy couple, I would like to give some friendly advice in just 3 areas – sex, money and relations.
There are other areas but I think these three are critical.
Starting with sex – just three words will do as we have children in the room. “Practice makes perfect.” The Bible urges “Go forth and multiply” but I suggest “Replace yourself.”
As Cynthia is an accountant, she should know about money but to reduce money complications I suggest the following:
Open 3 different accounts - one joint account is to pool income for shared household expenses and one each for personal savings and investments. Remember the basic requirement to becoming rich is that you must always spend less than what you earn.
The third item is your relations with your relatives.
Relatives always mean well and want the best for you but the advice they give may not be in the best interest of your special relationship.
Only you can decide if any advice will improve or worsen that relationship.
Be prepared to say, “Thanks for the advice. I will see how that can help things.”
Getting married is the starting point of a long journey and I am sure in seven years you have discovered how to settle some differences? That will surely help for marriage is a bed of roses. Remember there are thorns here and there.
Today as you start a new life together I have this wish for you
"May your love grow throughout the years
And may your children spare you many tears
When you do fight learn to quickly pardon
Before your hearts begin to harden
May your journey in love teach others to care
That life’s a mystery, a bounty to share.”
Ladies and Gentlemen: I give you Cynthia & Andrew!
Photo: Thanks to
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Taking a Few Days Off
My second daughter is getting married on Saturday in Singapore.
But if you like, you can read older articles during the first year of MALAYSIAWATCH at the same URL but minus the "2".
Should be back on Monday.
But if you like, you can read older articles during the first year of MALAYSIAWATCH at the same URL but minus the "2".
Should be back on Monday.
What's Wrong with the RMAF Nuris?

The actual cause is not known but hints have been given about "weather conditions".
If one examines the crash history and casualties of the Nuri since it went operational in 1968, it seems that we have had more deaths after the Emergency.
Is there a maintenance attitude problem in the RMAF?
According to this paper, the pilot was scared of flying the Nuri "as he felt uneasy.
"During the conversation, he told me that he had complained to superiors many times about the problems he faced with the helicopter.
"He said he had informed them that the Nuri had problems with its fuel pump," Hashidee said.
"He said he would rather drive a truck to Kuantan, because he felt safer.""
Will the inquiry disclose what steps were taken to solve the fuel pump problems?
According to this reference, the Nuri has the capacity to fly 31 combat troops and I just wonder why the helicopter was flying with only six persons on a non-critical mission. Does the RMAF need to use up its quota of aviation fuel?
Of course there is now the usual call to upgrade or replace the Nuris with lots of commissions to be earned but if one studies the chart of accidents, it could point to pilot errors,maintenance weakness and operating procedures.

The chart is taken from the Star graphics above and analysed in a different manner. It looks as if maintenance was taken more seriously at first as the copters had to be combat ready during the Emergency.
From 1968 to 1981, there were only 4 deaths in a crash.
In 1981 there were two crashes resulting in 2 deaths and 13 injured.
1989 was a really bad year with 3 crashes and 37 deaths. The first incident of 1989 was an emergency landing the cause of which was uncertain. If it was a mechanical failure, could steps have been taken to prevent the next two accidents that caused 37 deaths?
Things improved after that with no accidents until 1996 with one crash and 5 deaths.
Then in 1997 there was a unexplained accident involving 2 copters that resulted in 11 deaths.
I suggest there were some improvements made as no accidents happened again until 2004 when there were 3 crashes that lost 5 lives.
The pattern of accidents and deaths is hardly random and could be caused by:
Change of personnel in charge of routine maintenance.
Change of suppliers for critical spare parts.
Change of maintenance contractors.
Change in operating procedures.
If this is the RMAF record during peacetime I wonder how we will cope with possible invaders with derelict air planes.
Graphics: Thanks to the Star
Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No doubt the NEP has transformed Malaysian society and one needs only to visit the new housing estates in the cities to see a large section of middle-class of all races living in harmony.
I suggest that the best part of the NEP is that more Malaysians have been able to go to university, graduate and move into a good career path.
However the NEP has slowly morphed into a program to enrich mainly those with close connections with the ruling elites and this is done mainly through lucrative contracts like toll concessions that remain secret after so many years. You can give your opinion on the use of OSA for such projects in the green poll on the left column.
The NEP has become so addictive that even some Malays feel that the time has come to end such abuses.
However some leaders still insist the NEP is necessary.
This should hardly be surprising as the ruling elites gain the most from such secret sweetheart deals like licensing agreements and lucrative projects.
These usually fail as the profits are skimmed upfront and the jobs get done with substandard quality as seen recently in the case of the collapsing ceilings and burst pipes.
Do you feel marginalised? You bet I do. Even if I do not want to do government contracts, the very fact that we have to spend RM20m just to do extra building inspections means that government funds is being wasted.
The NEP would have been palatable for 12 to 15 years and the government should have started the weaning process at the beginning ala Steven Covey's dictim
"Begin with the End in Sight."
Why 15 years?
This will allow about 3 children in every poor family to be assisted through tertiary education and get good jobs in the civil service or the private sector.
There would have been no sweetheart deals like APs and all government projects would be fully disclosed with no deals protected by the OSA.
So I oppose the NEP as it now means Never Ending Parasites. I'm going to look for the Shelltox now and you should do the same.
Photo: Thanks to
Monday, July 16, 2007
Secret Toll Agreements .....To Tell or Not to Tell?
The Works Minister recently announced that toll agreements would remain secret under the OSA.
What do you think of this about face? That is the question posed in MALAYSIAWATCH POLL 28.
Please take the poll soon.
What do you think of this about face? That is the question posed in MALAYSIAWATCH POLL 28.
Please take the poll soon.
Another Nuri Down...

I wonder if anyone has the record of all the planes and pilots we have lost during the past 10 years.
There is always an inquiry held but details are usually scant or not even published.
When this happens, not much pressure is exerted to rectify problems such as possibly having more rules or operating procedures for bad weather conditions or maintenance problems.
I would have imagined that upgrading planes and helicopters with a minimum of voice recorder and a proper black box should be a prerequisite for a modern air force rather than buying the latest fighters that we have problems to maintain.
I am sure all Malaysians hope and pray that these men and women will be safely reunited with their families soon.
Meanwhile I hope that any inquiry to investigate this crash will come up with a report similar to this.
The accident report concluded with this brief:
"The formal analysis of this accident noted the following circumstance as valid contributors:
The pilot continued the flight into adverse weather beyond the point of having a visual external reference.
The risk of not being able to turn around onto a reciprocal track without visual clues was high as the pilot was not instrument rated and the helicopter was not IFR rated.
The pilot's operating culture was conditioned from having 'got through' adverse weather on previous occasions.
Having decided to track via the shipping channel because of turbulence consideration on the coastal route, the pilot overlooked the coastal route as an alternate course of action.
The weather information passed by the tower controller probably placed an expectation in the pilot's mind that he could negotiate the weather successfully. *
More details of this accident are contained in Occurrence Brief 199901009."
Photo: Thanks to
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Only 6% of Pollsters Support the PM's Frequent Flying..
"What do You Think of our PM’s Frequent Trips Overseas?"
That was the question posed for MALAYSIAWATCH POLL 27.
For the 65 readers who took the poll, here are the results:
31 votes or 48% were for "It is a waste of public funds"
15 votes or 23% were for "I think there are more urgent matters at home"
9 votes or 14% were for "He should delegate most of these trips to ministers and deputy ministers"
6 votes or 9% went to "N-E-X-T!!"
2 votes of 3% went to "I believe he is doing his job competently"
2 votes of 3% went to "I support this activity as it promotes FDI"
Thanks to all who participated.
That was the question posed for MALAYSIAWATCH POLL 27.
For the 65 readers who took the poll, here are the results:
31 votes or 48% were for "It is a waste of public funds"
15 votes or 23% were for "I think there are more urgent matters at home"
9 votes or 14% were for "He should delegate most of these trips to ministers and deputy ministers"
6 votes or 9% went to "N-E-X-T!!"
2 votes of 3% went to "I believe he is doing his job competently"
2 votes of 3% went to "I support this activity as it promotes FDI"
Thanks to all who participated.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Father's Tough Decision....

Often parents indulge their children too much and really spoil them. When they grow up they do not become responsible citizens and resort to crime.
I am sure this father regrets that he did not raise his son to be a more responsible adult and now faces trials for multiple rapes.
Of course the son is ultimately responsible for his own actions but I believe many parents really do not pay enough attention to how their children behave in school or when growing up.
At his late stage, it is really too late for anyone to do much but allow the law to take its course.
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