As a Eurasian with a few drops of Scottish blood, I feel a little qualified to write about the subject.
If one makes even a cursory look at the history of Malaya, one cannot help notice that the country has experienced an influx of migrants from many places. Some moved on but many remained and established roots here.
The main groups were from Java, Sumatra, India, China, English, Dutch and Portuguese in the past as Malaya lies at the crossroads of vital trade routes and were colonized by the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English.
I remember the State Education Head of Perak in the sixties, a Mr Campbell. He was a first generation Eurasian, the offspring of an Englishman and a Malay woman and he was also a Roman Catholic. I guess in those days people were freer to choose their religion.
Today the pace of mixed marriages is even more pronounced with thousands of our children studying overseas.
There is really nothing wrong with foreigners and many have contributed much to make Malaysia a more vibrant place with a colorful culture that is the envy of many. Our gastronomical delights also provide a feast for the taste-buds.
There is a fear that Bangsa Melayu may become diluted with the concept of Bangsa Malaysia. This misguided thinking should be examined on a scientific basis and not political rhetoric.
Consider the following:
A Malay marries an English woman and has a son who is brought up as a Muslim but hardly practises his faith.
The son marries an English girl and also produces a son who is also a Muslim but does not practice the religion.
This last generation is classified a Malay in Malaysia and able to enjoy all the NEP benefits even though racially he is 75% English.
Most probably he will be able to take advantage of the NEP policies more effectively than some Bumis in the remote areas of Sabah and Sarawak.
Will all the pure Malays in Malaysia please stand up to be counted?
Photo: http://www.oakhursttearoom.com/assets/images/Weddings.jpg
1 comment:
Omigosh, that would certainly create an epidemic of sorts.
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